How to Keep Cut Peony Flowers Fresh Longer | Arianna Belle Blog 

Are peonies your favorite flower? 🙋🏻‍♀️ Mine too.

With their season being so short, below are 5 quick tips to enjoy every last peony bunch as long as possible.

interior design by Jennifer Wagner Schmidt | designer pillows from Arianna Belle | Leopard Linen and Blush Pink Velvet
interior design by Jennifer Wagner Schmidt | pillows shown: Leopard Linen and Blush Velvet with Light Gold Piping

1. Buy them as closed buds  - At the market, choose the ones that are as closed as possible.  It's tempting to get the pretty ones that have already fully bloomed, but those will only last a few days in your home, and they're more likely to get damaged during transit - petals falling off, etc. Buying them as buds requires a bit of patience, however it usually doesn't take long for them to open up. If you want to help them along once they're safe in your home, you can put them in warm water or a warm location. 

Gal Meets Glam bedroom with Confetti Cream pillows with Rose French Piping from Arianna Belle
home of Julia Engel | pillow shown: Confetti Cream with French Rose Piping


2. Before placing into a vase, make sure to remove any leaves from the lower part of the stems so that they're not submerged in the water. This prevents them from rotting. 

    Leopard Velvet pillow from Arianna Belle | home of Brighton Keller | pink peonies
    home of Brighton Keller | pillow shown: Leopard Velvet


    3. Keep them away from direct sunlight - I learned this the hard way. I made the mistake of leaving an arrangement right next to a window that received a lot of direct sun, and came back to find out they had drastically lost their color and some petals had started falling off. 

    living room with grey sofa and blue tufted ottoman | pillows from Arianna Belle | interior design by Alex Kaehler

    interior design by Alex Kaehler | pillows shown (left to right): Channels Ebony & Ivory, Teal Velvet, Les Touches Aqua

      4. Store them in the fridge at night -  If you have the space, put them in your fridge. Doing so will prolong their life. 

       bright white living room designed by Stephanie Jean | home of Monika Hibbs | floral pillow from Arianna Belle

      home of Monika Hibbs | interior design by Stephanie Jean | pillow shown: Pyne Hollyhock Charcoal

        5. Trim the stems and replace the water every day or every other day - Cut the stems at a diagonal for maximum water absorption. Use cold water or drop an ice cube or two into the vase.

        Hope you found this helpful! For more decorating tips, click here

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